Treatment Resistant
Depression Program

Mental Health Expertise

Depression affects every aspect of your life. Many times, depression can lead to other health problems, including fatigue or sleeplessness. Depression may also lead to isolation or feeling lonely. In this way, depression often affects the lives of those you love, in addition to your own day-to-day experiences.

Our Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) Program is for patients currently under psychiatric care for depression. We offer a complete evaluation for patients who have complicated and difficult-to-treat depression. Our team will provide you with an in-depth psychiatric consultation, including a review of your previous mental-health records. You will also receive a detailed treatment recommendation that will be shared with your referring psychiatrist.

The TRD Program is part of the larger Emory Brain Health Center, one of only a handful of specialized centers in the world focused on treating brain conditions.

Treatment Resistant Depression Treatment

Once you have completed your consultation with the TRD team, you may be considered for treatment options including:

  • Weekly cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)*
    • *Now offering accelerated treatment protocols to provide TMS protocols in one week.
  • Off-label trials of medication
  • and/or Psychotherapy in our Adult Intensive Outpatient or Partial Hospitalization Program

Clinical Research and Innovation

To help bring the latest procedures and treatment options to our patients, we may invite you to participate in research efforts to improve the diagnosis and treatment of depression.

For example, you may be asked to participate in brief tasks that significantly improve our ability to understand a patient's unique profile and personalize treatments for other patients better. We will always obtain your consent before asking you to participate in any of these research activities. Your clinical care at the time of the visit will in no way be affected by your decision to participate while you are here that day.

In the Treatment Resistant Depression Program, we also participate in clinical trials. If you are eligible, we will tell you more about the specific study and ask if you would like to participate. These leading research opportunities are managed by some of the nation's top scientists in the field of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, please click the link below.