Heart Transplant Program

Important messages for our patients - please read.

Leading the Way in Heart Transplantation Procedures

We provide you with the most innovative and sophisticated care from nationally-recognized heart transplant surgeons.

  • Completed Georgia’s 1st heart transplant
  • Performed more than 1,000 heart transplants to date
  • National leader in ventricular assist devices and biventricular pacemaker therapy

In addition to being a leader in heart transplant surgery, we are also dedicated to improving transplant therapies that decrease the chances of heart failure.

Your Health Care Journey

Emory’s Heart Transplant Program is comprehensive, providing patients with medical therapy, FDA-regulated investigational drugs and devices, cardiac catheterization, cardiac surgery, Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) and in select patients, heart transplantation.

It is through integration of transplant research, education and patient care that Emory Healthcare has established itself as the Southeast’s premier heart transplant center.

The right treatment begins with conversations alongside our highly skilled and experienced multidisciplinary team of specialists, including cardiologists, heart surgeons, transplant coordinators, pharmacists, clinical nutritionist, and physical therapists. Each member of our heart transplant team at Emory Healthcare is here to provide you with individualized care.

Request an Appointment
To schedule an appointment with the Emory Heart Transplant Center please call 1-855-366-7989.